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  • 01.07.2014 IPOPEMA Securities became a member of the stock exchange in Bucharest

    BVB’s Board of Governors has decided to grant to IPOPEMA Securities SA the quality of BVB’s Participant for the spot regulated market and its registration in the Participants’ Registry.

  • 17.06.2017 IPOPEMA will pay PLN 9 mn dividend

    At the Annual General Meeting on June 17th, Shareholders of IPOPEMA Securities decided to pay a dividend for 2013 years in the amount of PLN 9 mn. The record date is June 25th, and its payment is July 9th.

  • 17.06.2014 IPOPEMA's team won the Partnership Award
  • 03.06.2014 IPOPEMA was ranked third in terms of share trading on the WSE in May

    With 7,1% share, IPOPEMA was ranked third in terms of share trading on the Warsaw Stock Exchange in May

  • 21.05.2014 IPOPEMA Securities became a partner of the "Private Equity Academy"

    IPOPEMA Securities is a partner of the "Private Equity Academy", organized by the Warsaw School of Economics. Mateusz Kacprzak - Director in Capital Markets Deaprtment, will conduct a lecture about investment exit through public offering.
    For more information, visit:

  • 14.05.2014 IPOPEMA Group reports PLN 3.8m in net profit for Q1

    The IPOPEMA Securities Group has published its Q1 2014 financial results. On the back of revenue increases in the investment fund and portfolio management business and the consultancy services segment, the Group’s consolidated revenue improved by nearly 13% on Q1 2013 (from PLN 26.9m to PLN 30.4m). The consolidated net profit for the period reached PLN 3.8m vs PLN 3.2m one year earlier. On a separate basis, IPOPEMA Securities reported quarterly revenue of PLN 16.6m, with net profit coming in at PLN 2.4m.

  • 12.05.2014 IPOPEMA Securities became a partner of the "Stock Exchange Academy"

    IPOPEMA Securities became a partner of the "Stock Exchange Academy", organized by the Warsaw School of Economics. Mateusz Kacprzak - Director in Capital Markets Deaprtment, has conducted a lecture about IPO in the opinion of individual investor.

  • 05.05.2014 IPOPEMA was ranked third in terms of share trading on the WSE

    IPOPEMA was ranked third in terms of share trading on the Warsaw Stock Exchange in April 2014.

  • 23.04.2014 IPOPEMA Securities has received 'The Best Equity House in Poland' title, awarded by EMEA Finance

    IPOPEMA Securities S.A. has received 'The Best Equity House in Poland' title, awarded by EMEA Finance (bimonthly magazine dedicated to capital markets) in its Europe Banking Awards 2013. We have earned the title for our involvement in last year's key transactions, carried out for Energa, PKP Cargo, PKO BP and Polnord.

  • 1.04.2014 Piotr Zielonka is the best equity analyst, basing on the rank prepared by "Forbes" magazine

    Forbes magazine has released the latest rank of equity analysts, prepared on the basis of assessments of institutional investors. Piotr Zielonka - our Head of Research, has been recognized as the best equity analyst, for the third time. IPOPEMA was also classified as a company with the best recomendations. Our recommendation for "Trakcja" company has been recognized as the best on the whole market.

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