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  • 06.11.2012 IPOPEMA Securities is a partner of the 3rd edition of the WSE International Companies’ Forum

    This event, co-organised by the Warsaw Stock Exchange, takes place on 4th December 2012. The goal of the conference is to promote foreign companies by introducing them and presenting research to institutional investors. The conference brings together foreign companies listed on the WSE and representatives of diversified financial institutions, such as: investment funds, pension funds and companies, investment banks brokers. The conference features a lot of one-on-one meetings of companies with investors.

  • 30.10.2012 IPO of ZE PAK S.A. - IPOPEMA Securities as a joint bookrunner

    On 30th October, company: "Zespół Elektrowni Pątnów Adamów Konin" became listed on the WSE, due to the IPO. IPOPEMA Securities was a joint bookrunner during this transaction.

  • 17.10.2012 WSE’s regional IPO workshops

    On 17th of October, Warsaw Stock Exchange organized a regional workshop in Poznań. Conference was devoted to companies who are considering Initial Public Offering. IPOPEMA was a partner of this event.

  • 1.10.2012 2nd place among the best brokerage houses in Forbes' Magazine ranking

    As every year, Forbes magazine has asked representatives of financial institutions to assess their cooperation with brokerage houses. 9 categories were classified, each of which has an impact on the final shape of the services offered. In the main ranking, which was calculated by summing up all gained points, IPOPEMA Securities was ranked 2nd.

    Moreover we have achieved the greatest approval, gaining the highest marks in the categories:

    • "The highest professionalism”
    • “The quality of broker service on the secondary market”
    • "The quality of research reports and recommendations"

    In addition, investors have chosen the best brokers serving institutional clients. Arkadisz Łabuńko was assessed as the 3rd best broker in Poland.

  • 23.08.2012 The IPOPEMA Group reports PLN 44.7m in revenue for H1 2012

    The IPOPEMA Group has published its financial results for H1 2012. In the reporting period, the Group posted PLN 4.9m in consolidated net profit and PLN 44.7m in revenue from core activities. On a separate basis, IPOPEMA Securities recognised PLN 6.2m in net profit with revenue totalling PLN 24.4m.

  • 04.07.2012 In June 2012, IPOPEMA was ranked second in terms of share trading on the Warsaw Stock Exchange

    With 10,12% share, IPOPEMA was ranked second in terms of share trading on the Warsaw Stock Exchange in June 2012.

  • 29.06.2012 IPOPEMA will pay PLN 0.52 dividend per share for 2011

    Shareholders of IPOPEMA Securities decided to allocate the net profit for 2011 on the dividend, in the amount of PLN 0.52 per share. The date of the right to dividend will be 6th of July 2012, and the dividend will be paid on 23rd of July 2012. 

  • 30.05.2012 IPOPEMA Securities partners the CEE IPO Summit 2012

    IPOPEMA Securities is a partner of the IInd edition of CEE IPO Summit, which will take place on 30-31 May 2012 at the Warsaw Stock Exchange.


    CEE IPO Summit - a series of meetings with companies and investors from Central and Eastern Europe. IPOPEMA Securities, together with the Ministry of Treasury and other investment banks, actively supports the Polish capital market, promoting Warsaw as a regional financial center. Consistently strengthening its position as regional leader, the Warsaw Stock Exchange is one of the most rapidly expanding equity markets in Europe and continues to outperform other developed markets throughout the continent in attracting new capital and securities issuers. 


  • 10.05.2012 IPOPEMA's financial results for the first quarter of 2012

    The IPOPEMA Group has published its financial results for Q1 2012. During this period, the Group's consolidated revenue amounted to PLN 24.2m and consolidated net profit was PLN 2.8m. IPOPEMA Securities' separate revenue amounted to PLN 13.8m. Net profit generated by the parent company closed at PLN 1.5m. Operating profit amounted to PLN 5.4m for the entire group, and PLN 4.3m for the IPOPEMA Securities. 

    Documents for download:
  • 26.04.2012 IPOPEMA Securities is a partner of the 2nd edition of the WSE International Companies’ Forum

    This event, co-organised by the Warsaw Stock Exchange, takes place at the Warsaw Hyatt Hotel on 26th April 2012. The goal of the conference is to promote foreign companies by introducing them and presenting research to institutional investors. The conference brings together foreign companies listed on the WSE and representatives of diversified financial institutions, such as: investment funds, pension funds and companies, investment banks brokers. The conference features open presentations and a lot of one-on-one meetings of companies with investors. 

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