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  • 20.03.2013 IPOPEMA Group recognised PLN 9.9m in consolidated net profit

    The IPOPEMA Group has published its financial results for 2012. In the reporting period, the Group recognised PLN 94.1m in consolidated revenue and PLN 9.9m in consolidated net profit. On a separate basis, IPOPEMA Securities reported revenue of PLN 52.1m, with net profit coming in at PLN 9.5m. The most significant source of the Group’s revenue continued to be securities trading, which in 2012 contributed PLN 37.8m to the total revenue figure (over 40% of consolidated revenue from core activities).

    Documents for download:
  • 07.03.2013 KSG Agro Share Buyback Program - IPOPEMA Securities as a broker

    The Board of Directors of KSG Agro approved IPOPEMA Securities as a Broker to carry out the Buyback on the Warsaw Stock Exchange.

  • 06.03.2013 "The best brokerage house in Poland" nomination went to IPOPEMA Securities

    IPOPEMA Securities has been nominated as "the bets brokerage house of the year" in the annual poll: "Bulls and Bears", organized by "Parkiet" daily. The nomination includes: participating in the largest number of IPOs and in the largest transactions on the WSE, a strong position of IPOPEMA's Research Department and third place among the most active brokers on the Warszaw Stock Exchange in 2012.

  • 05.03.2013 IPOPEMA was ranked second in terms of share trading on the Warsaw Stock Exchange

    With 10,4% share YTD, IPOPEMA was ranked second in terms of share trading on the Warsaw Stock Exchange in February 2013.

  • 26.02.2013 Award for IPOPEMA for arranging the introduction of the biggest value of free float shares in an IPO on the Main Market in 2012

    The 2012 Stock Market Review Gala was held at Centrum Giełdowe in Warsaw on 21 February 2013. Issuers, Exchange Members and Authorised Adviser were awarded at the event for their special contribution to the growth of the Polish stock market in 2012. IPOPEMA was awarded for arranging the introduction of the biggest value of free float shares in an IPO on the Main Market in 2012. 


    Highlights from the Gala and interview with Mr Jacek Lewandowski - CEO of IPOPEMA:

  • 05.02.2013 IPOPEMA was ranked first among the best capital markets teams

    IPOPEMA Securities was ranked first among the best capital markets teams, in the rank prepared by "Parkiet" daily on the basis of the transactions in the public market in 2012.

  • 04.02.2013 IPOPEMA was ranked second in terms of share trading on the Warsaw Stock Exchange

    With 9,87% share, IPOPEMA was ranked second in terms of share trading on the Warsaw Stock Exchange in January 2013.

  • 21.01.2013 IPOPEMA Securities is ranked as the best Research Department in Poland

    Equity Analysts from IPOPEMA Securities were the best in their categories in the annual ranking of Equity Research Departments, prepared by “Parkiet” magazine. Arkadiusz Chojnacki – Head of Equity Research Department, once again won in the category of "strategy". Konrad Anuszkiewicz won in the category of "oil&gas", was ranked 2nd in the category of "chemical companies" and 3rd in the general rank. On the podium were also: Tomasz Duda (the second place in the category  of "metals&mining"), Arkadiusz Chojnacki once again (second place in the category of "construction and property"), Waldemar Stachowiak (second place in the category of "TMT") and Tomasz Bursa (3rd place in the category of "banks").   

    With such a large representation on the podium, IPOPEMA Securities was ranked as the best Research Department in Poland.


  • 14.12.2012 Success of the Alior Bank IPO

    Today, Alior Bank made ​​its debut on the Warsaw Stock Exchange. Alior Bank has become the largest initial public offering of a private held company in the whole history of Warsaw Stock Exchange. It was also the biggest IPO transaction in banking sector in CEE region this year. Total value of the transaction exceeded 2,1 PLN bn. In this transaction, IPOPEMA Securities  was Joint Global Coordinator, Joint Bookrunner  and Offering Agent.

  • 07.11.2012 IPOPEMA Securities was ranked second among the most active brokers on WSE in October


    In October 2012, Ipopema's share in stock trading at the Warsaw Stock Exchange exceeded 9%, which placed the company on second place among the most active brokerage houses.


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